Intellectual History Archive

Intellectual history archive is conducted by Finnish intellectual history association. Archive uses peer-review rules and referee guidelines of holistic science publication platform.

Archive uses a CC-BY 4.0 Creative Commons licence. This particular licence allows sharing and building upon the provided texts as long as the original text is cited. Therefore, authors are responsible for delivering the copyrights of pictures, diagrams, charts, etc., that form part of their submitted writings.

All requests for possible writings and book publications are welcome. If you need additional information, do not hesitate to contact us.

Editorial team of Intellectual history archive

Editorial contact and team contact
Head editor Jouko Hartikainen

Intellectual history archive issue I - 2024

ISSN 2984-2271

Tapaustutkimus: Lähdekriittisyys sanomalehtiaineistossa historiallisessa kriminologiassa